Assignment 1:
Professional Email
Read the instructions below then scroll down to fill out the assignment form.
Cohort 14 Assignment 1 Instructions:
Also see Workbook page 75
Read the scenario below and write a pretend email about Daniel to your supervisor describing the situation and the solution. To turn in the assignment, scroll down to the bottom of the page to fill out the assignment form.
Daniel is a 55-year-old man who lives in a supported apartment complex. You are Daniel’s DSP and visit him three days per week to assist with household management and community living skills and supports. Daniel’s brother visits frequently and wants him to attend religious services with him weekly. Daniel shared with you that he is not interested in going to religious services with his brother. However, he feels pressured and is afraid to tell his brother.
Imagine yourself resolving Daniel's situation. Think about what you would say and do and what Daniel and his brother might say or do. Write an email to a pretend supervisor describing the situation and the resolution. Describe what both Daniel and his brother have said to you, and the actions you took to reach a resolution. The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your advocacy skills and professional email skills.
Here are some tips for writing professional emails. Make sure what you write follows the rules below.
DO include a clear and specific subject.
DO include an appropriate greeting. Examples: "Hello Mr. Name," "Dear Ms. Name," "Good Morning Name."
DO include a "signature block." A signature block in the information about yourself at the end of your email. It's often added automatically by a company's email program. You should add it yourself for this assignment. Here is an example:
Job Title
DONT use emojies, text speak or abbreviations in professional email.
DONT use fancy fonts or overuse exclamation points.
DONT ever type in "all caps," or all capital or upper case letters. Example: ALL CAPS MEANS YOU ARE YELLING AT THE READER. NEVER DO IT.
Assignment Example:
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After you submit your assignment, a copy is sent to the email you provided on the form.