DSP II Final Exam Cohort 11A
Final Exam General Information
Wednesday, August 9
How does it work?
The exam will be a Survey Monkey quiz like surveys you have completed.
You’ll have a chance to ask questions at the beginning of class.
If on Zoom, you must leave your camera on during the test.
You will be able to ask us questions during the exam but you should not look at notes or look up answers on the internet.
You will have four hours to complete the exam. Most people finish in 1-2 hours.
Once you finish and submit the exam, you can exit quietly. You do not need to wait until the end of class or until everyone finishes.
How do you pass?
You must score 80% or above to pass the test.
If you do not pass, you will be able to take the exam again.
When will you know your score?
It will take several days for the tests to be graded and tell you your score. You will be notified by email within 2-5 days.
What kind of questions are there?
There are 44 required questions and 1 optional extra credit question.
20 multiple-choice questions worth 2 points each.
10 true or false questions worth 1 point each.
10 short-answer (list or define) worth 3 points each.
4 essay questions worth 5 points each.
There is a fifth essay question that's optional and worth up to 5 points extra credit.
What do I study?
Look at class PowerPoints on the Learner Hub
Pay special attention to "take-aways" on the PowerPoints and in the workbook.
Look at the list of topics below and play the "final review" game.
There are 8 questions on the practice test.
The practice test is meant for you to practice how to take the test and to see an examples of each of the 4 question formats. It is not a content review.
You can take the practice test as many times as you want, but the questions will be the same each time.
To view PowerPoints and videos presented in class, click the button below.
Topics covered (additional topics covered in the final review game below):
Active Listening
Community inclusion, natural supports, networking
Aim of person-centered planning
Person-first language
Person-centered planning vs systems-centered planning
What is positive behavior support?
Cultural Competence
Advocacy & empowerment, self-determination
Positive risk taking
Communication & choice
Abuse vs neglect
Preparing for employment